✅ Avoid electrical overloading.
✅ Check electrical connections for faulty wirings.
✅ Fireproof your kitchen.
✅ Turn-off gas tanks when not in use.
✅ Keep your light sources secured.
✅ Remove common fire hazards.
✅ Practice good housekeeping habits.
✅ Observe proper smoking etiquette.
✅ Install smoke alarms.
✅ Get a fire extinguisher.
Report electricity related emergencies and power interruptions at our
✅ FB Page (www.facebook.com/iliganlight)
✅ ILPI Mobile App (eReport)
✅ Hotline Numbers: 09178447071, 221-5708 to 09.
✅ Avoid electrical overloading.
✅ Check electrical connections for faulty wirings.
✅ Fireproof your kitchen.
✅ Turn-off gas tanks when not in use.
✅ Keep your light sources secured.
✅ Remove common fire hazards.
✅ Practice good housekeeping habits.
✅ Observe proper smoking etiquette.
✅ Install smoke alarms.
✅ Get a fire extinguisher.
Report electricity related emergencies and power interruptions at our
✅ FB Page (www.facebook.com/iliganlight)
✅ ILPI Mobile App (eReport)
✅ Hotline Numbers: 09178447071, 221-5708 to 09.