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Electrical Safety 101
You cannot see electricity but you are aware of it every day. You use it in countless ways. You also cannot taste and smell electricity but you can feel it. Electricity is not live until current flows but you should always consider all wires as live.
Avoid the hazards of faulty installations, improper grounding, incorrect operation and poor maintenance of electrical equipment because your safety matters.
Install safety switches. As a general rule, electrical equipment should only be used when connected to a safety switch.
Don't plug in equipment with wet hands.
Test safety switches. Keep in mind though that the use of safety switches doesn't mean you can be less careful when using electricity. They are no substitute for proper electrical maintenance and safe practices.
Don't plug in equipment when the cord is wet.
Get a licensed electrician to do your wiring. Call a licensed electrician if you need electrical wiring or repairs, no matter how minor the job. Do not attempt to fix wires by yourself if you do not know how.
Don't block access to electrical panels with carts and equipment.
Childproof your outlets. Use childproof plugs in electrical outlets to prevent children from poking small items or their fingers into them.
Don't plug equipment into defective receptacles.
Do unplug equipment by grasping the plug, not the cord. This extends the life of your appliance.
Don't drape cords over hot or sharp objects.
Do check for frayed, cracked, or exposed wiring on equipment cords.
Don't run cords where they cause a tripping hazard.
Do plug equipment into wall receptacles with power switches in the off position.
Avoid piggy-back or double adaptor connections. Overloading can occur if too many cords are connected to outlets designed for only one or two plugs.
Look out for overhead lines. If you're working near them, always keep a safe distance. Keep this in mind when installing antennas, picking fruit or pruning trees and using a ladder.
Look out for water leaks. Water is a good conductor of electricity. If water leaks into the light or power circuit, a fault may develop, which could result to fire or someone experiencing electric shock. As soon as you noticed water leaks, have it repaired.
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Electricity wants to go to ground.
Electricity is drawn to water.
Occur when a person touches electrical wiring or equipment that is improperly used or maintained.
Electricity is one of the most common causes of fire both in the home and workplace. Defective or misused electrical equipment is a major cause.